#worksforme - what's next?

pregnant cleaner working in an office

As this phase of our #worksforme campaign draws to a close, we have been really pleased with all the support we’ve had from business, HR fields, the voluntary and community sector, parenting websites and many more.

It’s been really interesting (and on some levels, encouraging) to note that the experiences outlined in our research findings have been echoed by, and come as no surprise to, many women.

We’ve seen hard-hitting articles from BabyCentre supporting our campaign to create a fairer working environment for everyone, and doing their own polling alongside ours.

We’ve also seen a vigorous discussion on Mumsnet where women have been sharing their own (positive and negative) experiences of maternity leave and more.

Offering guidance and support

We’ve reached millions of people on twitter, had thousands of people visiting our website and using the tools we’ve put on there like the pregnancy and maternity toolkit.

If you’ve not already seen our toolkit then why not take a look? We’ve created it specifically to give guidance and advice on good practice to employers big and small. It covers everything from maternity leave to managing sickness absence, from adoption rights to recouping the cost of statutory maternity pay .

What’s next?

This is just the first step in the journey for #worksforme. Our next steps will be to work with employers to support them in addressing the challenges raised by our findings. This work will climax with our more detailed findings report later this year followed by our recommendations for creating a fairer environment for pregnant women and new mums in the workplace.

This is your chance to get involved. We want your views on what, if anything, needs to be done to bring about change – so tell us below or drop us an email at [email protected]