Our international commitments

Fulfilling the Paris Principles


Human Rights Report

Sixty years ago Eleanor Roosevelt spoke about the importance of making the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 'a living document, something that is not just words on paper, but something which we really strive to bring to the lives of all people'.

In today's Britain, this is the responsibility of the Equality and Human Rights Commission: to give substance to human rights.

Our aim is that everyone, no matter who they are, should be treated with decency, dignity and respect. With a range of powers entrusted to us by parliament, we can examine government's actions, educate public service providers, encourage private firms and empower individuals.

This document sets out the way in which the Commission has used those powers since we were granted 'A' status as a United Nations accredited National Human Rights Institution in January 2009. It contains many successes, and should encourage everyone who believes in the importance of human rights. But we know that this is just the beginning of our mission.

As we live through unprecedented economic circumstances, as the advance of technology poses new questions about privacy and freedom, and as evolving public policy redefines the relationship between individual and state, it remains vital to protect and promote the core values of human rights. That is precisely what the Commission is committed to doing. Few tasks could be more important or more worthwhile, and we approach it with the utmost resolve.

Trevor Phillips
Former Chair
Equality and Human Rights Commission

Download the full report: Fulfilling the Paris Principles (PDF)

Last Updated: 15 May 2014